As the IoT industry continues to gain widespread adoption, companies all across the globe are today launching Smart IoT devices integrated with various sensors and analytics for gaining useful insights. Check out how VVDN helped in end-to-end design, development and manufacturing of an IoT based Cricket bat Sensor that converts any regular cricket bat into a smart cricket bat.

Customer Requirements

The client is an India-based sports technology company who wanted to develop a "plug and play" IoT device that can be mounted on any regular cricket bat handle transforming into a smart cricket bat. The IoT device shall send the captured data from various sensors to a mobile application on BLE in real time for further analysis and to analyze the batting performance of the player.

Key Challenges

Selecting the right BLE SoC in terms of size, power consumption and CPU capabilities

Integrating MEMS sensors into a complex small design to capture all the data and send it to a mobile application over the BLE protocol for analysis

Low-powered device that can offer longer battery life during play in action